métier / ˈmɛtɪeɪ/ noun
- a field of work; occupation, trade, or profession
- a person’s strong point or special ability
- forte; a calling
Transformational Change
Métier provides the expertise needed to successfully plan for, conduct and achieve business transformations – M&A to reorgs to ERP implementations.
Organizational Change
We provide resources, programs and tools to develop change strategy, improve processes and prepare your people for upcoming shifts in your organization – technology to culture to supply chain.
Individual Change
We provide programs and tools to upskill people’s ability to thrive during change – coaching for leaders to organization assessment to intensive project manager workshops.
Change Education
Change Management Expertise
Métier helps you thrive in today’s challenging business environment.

Change Management Consulting
- Program & Project Delivery Teams
- Staff Augmentation
Change Education
- Workshops
- Licensed Programs
- Change Leader Coaching
- Licensed Change Management Toolkits
I founded Métier by combining my experience (and frustrations) as a client, observations as a consultant and change expert.
Get to know us. I am incredibly proud of our team’s work!
Who we are is why our work is showcased globally.

We get to the heart of solving business challenges through people. No people, no change.
We connect, inspire and have people taking action by utilizing data, user experience principles and creative services. This ensures people are ready and change sticks.