November 02, 2018 |

We are often asked, “What should we call it?”.  (it = change)

One answer could be, “Call it a ham sandwich if you’d like. Just as long as you define it and use it consistently.”  Joking aside, how you position change in your organization matters.  (And in some organizations, it really matters.)

Spend some time on Google and you will see a variety of definitions for the following:

Change Management – tools, techniques and a way of approaching change to achieve desired outcomes.  The intent is to minimize distraction and business disruption.  Meanwhile, readying people and putting the structures in place to sustain desired future performance.

Change Leadership – most often associated with large scale transformation.  The necessary engine required to fuel swift, smart and an efficient series of changes across an enterprise.

Transition Management – tools used during a period of time or efforts needed to change from one state or condition to another.  Often associated with individual, by-person psychological change.

Transformation Management – represents a portfolio of project or initiatives, which are interdependent, intersecting, dependent, etc.  Typically relates to a future vision or reinvention of current state.

This is a summary from many sources and opinions.  It is not all inclusive and does not include value chain, value formation, adoption, change makers, organization performance, business readiness and many more.

So how do you choose?  Yes, you need to define “it” and use it consistently.  We recommend you position change for your context.  You need to balance the outcomes you are seeking with the context of your organization.

You may also consider:

  1.  Avoiding Confusion – how are other internal teams or functions named?  Some companies have existing Change Management teams within IT, managing IT infrastructure change control.
  2. History – what worked and didn’t work?  If you don’t know, ask.  Unfortunately, there are often enterprise ghosts of initiatives past that lurk in the hallways you will want to avoid.  There are also wild successes you can associate with.
  3. Triggers – certain phrases and expressions cause triggers.  Does the use of management imply rigidity, control and force?  Is leadership overused?
  4. Thru the lens of… – consider how the customer, investors, partners, etc. will respond to hearing about the work you have underway.  Does it convey the right sentiment?

Talk with your business stakeholders and get their opinions.  Speak with colleagues for their recommendations.  You can even call us – we are always willing to share.

Interested in working with Métier?  Learn about our consulting expertise.

Need resources to manage change?  Learn more about Métier’s staffing services.

Interested in building change capability in your organization?  Let’s talk!

Credit:  Photo by petradr on Unsplash

kris plummer

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